ScanSoft POS Corp. FieldPro

Manufacturer : ScanSoft POS Corp. FieldPro
Product Type : Software

Field Pro is a unique application that serves the needs of on-field sales force. In this day and age of communication- it is imperative to maintain a seamless connection with sales representative on their routes as they generate revenue for you while enhancing their productivity through timely reporting, status updates and managing their routes. Ideally this application can be installed on small 8” handheld tablet to full size laptops or other portable devices- depending on the scope of need. Primarily, it is industry specific programed for the wholesale business but can also be tailored to fit your needs.

FieldPro supports the following customizable features:

• FieldPro can note and process field orders on retailer’s site • FieldPro can process and note returns with status updates • FieldPro can retrieve back-date orders • FieldPro creates ideal routes for doing orders • FieldPro can retrieve and printout previous invoices • FieldPro works standalone with online/offline features • FieldPro resumes synchronization as soon as internet connection is reinstated • FieldPro loads and maintains the customer database including Inventory database • FieldPro prints the orders onsite so that the retailer gets the accurate details of the delivery

But these features are not limited to such functions. There are a host of other features that scope and scale beyond the tangible aspects. It is going to facilitate your entire wholesaling activity without the need of intricate cycling. Now you can concentrate fully on your distribution rather than losing valuable time in manual orders.


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